EditorialImagine an organization with only one member?! Wherein you’re the sole executor of all the tasks of the officers and board members? How much can you accomplish and how long can you last? Not only quite lonely, but would seem to be an impossible task!Time and time again PNAGKC proves, that team work is the vital component that demarcates success from failure. It is the cooperation and collaboration amongst our members that paves the way for our past achievements as well the success of our 7th annual dinner dance celebration . It was the combined payoffs of the meeting of the minds and efforts of every member, contributor and participant! This is election year for our organization! And we need more fresh active members and active participation. Will you volunteer your time and talent if nominated? Will you accept the challenge and help us continue to uphold PNAGKC and for what it stands. True, it is a choice and it is a commitment And you know what? It is the right choice and a worthwhile commitment. We can transform our doubts and uncertainties into outcomes and accomplishments. Together we can continue to spread our popularity as a valuable professional organization with high caliber nurses... Lastly, a salute to all of us who supports PNAGKC and its missions and a toast for our continued membership, loyalty and unselfish spirit of voluntarism despite our own personal challenges. Carry on, mate!
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