Vol. VI No.1 Tanglaw Winter 1997

President's Message

My sincere thanks to the Philippine Nurses Association of Greater Kansas City (PNAGKC) for endorsing me as the 1997-1998 president. It is an honor and privilege to lead this professional organization. Although its members are nurses, it is very much a family-oriented group. Spouses, children, and friends enjoy participating in several activities. Caroling, providing entertainment during dinner-dance events and performing community services are some of their experiences. The support of the family and friends has contributed immensely in the strength of PNAGKC.

We have come a long way, surviving amidst many obstacles and stormy times. Nevertheless, PNAGKC has emerged as a strong and dynamic organization, and this year we celebrate its 6th Anniversary! Did you know that January 26 was also the anniversary of the proclamation of the Philippine Nurses Day in Kansas City? Mayor Emanuel Cleaver II signed it on December 23, 1991, thanks to the intense efforts of our founding president, Gigi Mateo, proving to the office of the mayor that the PNAGKC, through its involvement with the community, is a worthy organization .

In 1995 and 1996, the organization had seen a different leadership under Irma Labre-Wright. With her easy spirit, confidence, and wit, we saw an increase of membership and participation. She directed the meetings in a centrally located place, where it's accessible to all the members. She has represented the organization extremely well here in Kansas City and nationally, as a member of the legislative committee of the Philippine Nurses Association of America .

As a dynamic organization keeping up with computer technology, PNAGKC has gone "on line" and is now on the world wide web (thanks to my husband, Bong). He spends hours on the computer, turning me into a computer widow, but I am not grieving! Several of the people who have visited our web site have complimented on the information-filled calendar and newsletter (kudos to the editorial staff). Inspired from what they read, some nurses from different parts of California have inquired about local chapters in their area.

As your president, with the full support of the officers and members, we will strive to continue this legacy. PNAGKC is a worthy organization, and we should be proud of it. We can live to its standards through spirit of volunteerism, high professional conduct, and respect to one another. Through our efforts, we have contributed in the betterment of the lives of the people here and in the Philippines. Finally, I encourage non-members to join us. PNAGKC is not just hard work. The reward and personal satisfaction that we reap far exceeds our sacrifices. And we really have fun doing what we do best... caring.

Sonia S. Tumanut, RN

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