by Beth Rosas RN |
T a n g l a w |
Representing the PNAGKC Chapter, Marilyn Moyo, Rizvend Pecana (with wife Armi),Ernie Rosas and I participated in the 18th Annual PNAA National Convention last February 20-22, l997 in Houston, Texas. The National Convention explored the theme "Choices and Challenges:Creating your Own Success." It was a three packed fun-filled days of meetings, dinner dance, educational seminars, entertainment and friendship.
The educational program started February 21 at 7AM. The goal of the program was to increase each participant’s knowledge of the current issues and trends in a dynamic healthcare environment and to provide strategies enhancing personal and professional success. Topics included were: Challenges are Opportunities for Success, the Role of Nursing in Global Partnership for the Advancement of International Health, Current Legislative Agenda and Opportunities for Successful Political Action, Strategies for Successful Career Change , Aroma Therapy for Successful Patient Outcomes, Successful Trailblazers(this includes speakers who talked about their businesses...Nursing Registry, Personal Home Care, Publishing Company, Self Empowerment : Key to Success, and Humor in Uniform.
We realize, that the healthcare today is undergoing a revolution at an unprecedented magnitude. I found all the topics timely and appropriate. The end result of corporate restructuring, reorganizing, mergers, acquisition and downsizing threatens the existence of the nursing profession. Its negative impact affects us all.
The Philippine Nurses Association of Metropolitan Houston hosted this event and planned a very interesting and invigorating program for all of us. We have not only acquired a broader and better understanding of the ever changing health care system but also had ample time for fun and entertainment. The Gala night held February 21 was an affair to remember with Ambassador Raul Rabe as the guest speaker. A trip to the Astrodome was planned for the exciting rodeo show to gratify the thrill seeking participants but our group chose shop at the three blocks long shopping center in the Galleria. This is my third time to attend a National Convention. Every trip that I make has always been a worthwhile and rewarding experience as a member of PNAGKC, as a professional nurse and as an individual. If you have not attended any national convention, plan on going to the next one this July in Virginia. I highly recommend these conventions to every PNAGKC member