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PNAGKC On Public Television
KCPT volunteers:
Front row (L-R): Cora Zamora, Sonia Tumanut, Linda Hill (KCPT coordinator), Arvin Figueroa, Minnie Moyo, Reggie Ancola, Marilyn Labre, Phyllis Pass, Helen Austin, Lani Lisondra
Middle row (L-R): Irma Labre, Susan Labre, Denys Collins, Alice Thomas, Elvie Leone, Edward Tumanut
Back row (L-R): Jeff Brunjes, Dean Yzon and Tyson Leone
Not in picture: Anita Cooper, Ernie Rosas, and Riz Pecaña
In today’s corporate world, the survival of an organization is due in part not only to the mission for which it stands for but also to the alliance it forms. The same belief is also recognized by members of the PNAGKC and is probably the reason why on August 23, l997, members and their families trekked their way to the Kansas City Public Television (KCPT) studios to obtain monetary pledges called in by generous television viewers.
"Uh-uh!... We really appreciate your support but we can certainly use your money..." The alliance between these two organizations dates back three years a ago. PNAGKC saw the need to make itself known to the public as a non-profit professional organization of nurses serving our community by assisting and supporting several area organizations. KCPT was one of these organizations that had a potential of both helping PNAGKC promote its mission of mercy through the power of general media exposure as well as needing our assistance in the form of manpower during their annual pledge drives. All things considered, the effort put in by PNAGKC volunteer phone operators was a small price to pay for such media exposure!
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