PNAGKC: "A Knockout group in San Diego" by Irma Labre-Wright RN
The PNAA held its 19th Annual National Convention last June 18-21 in San Diego, California. Six delegates from PNAGKC were in attendance. Namely, Arvin Figueroa, Emma Florentino, Irma Labre, Marilyn Moyo, Ernie Rosas, and Beth Rosas. The convention started with the usual fellowship/reception night. PNAGKC delegates showed off their acting during the talent show, in their brilliant presentation of "Uniforms Through the Ages". They captured the audience and won first prize. Vicky Herrera researched and put together the story and sound effects, and the group practiced two days before they left for the convention.
"Kaleidoscope of Nursing Practice: Perception and Vision" was the theme of the education seminar. Dr. Beverly Malone, the current president of the ANA, was the keynote speaker. She talked the challenges of nursing practice in the past, present and future. Our challenge today is the delivery of quality patient care. As nurses of the present and future she said, "we need to be focused, visionary, and ready to start". She emphasized the importance of Organizational Power and the importance of organizational membership, local and national. According to her, "Our professional association created our power base". With our changing health care environment, she pushes the need for nurses to be at the decision-making table. Her plea: " Nurses Stay Awake!" The other speakers talked about the impact of information technology in nursing practice; outcome management as the future of nursing practice; ethical and legal issues affecting nursing practice in the next millennium; and alternative complementary modes ofholistic approach to health, such as reflexology, acupuncture, therapeutic touch. The highlight of the dinner dance was the induction of new officers into office. Lolita B. Compas, from PNA New York, is the new PNAA President. National Excellence Awards were also presented to the deserving PNAA members: Clinical Nurse Award to Amelia B. Lopez of New Jersey; Administration to Isabelita Paler of Hampton Roads, Virginia; Nurse Researcher to Daisy Galindo-Ciocon of Florida; Nursing Education to Anecita P. Fadol of Houston, Texas; and Community Service to Herminigilda T. Sambajon of New York. Old and new businesses were discussed during the General Assembly meetings. The new officers were installed to office. The slogan of the new administration, "CATCH THE SPIRIT".
Other fun activities were also planned for the delegates, a trip to the Indian Casino and a trip to Mexico. The PNAGKC delegates also had a taste of the Filipino hospitality at the home of Andy and Thelma Velbis, where they were treated with sumptuous Filipino food. The convention ended with a picnic at San Diego's Mission Bay Park. |
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