T a n g l a w |
We celebrated Nurses’ Week in May but how we celebrated this event is not as important as to why we celebrated it. As nurses, we play a significant role in health care so it is but fitting to pay tribute to us and recognize our importance.
As we commemorate this special occasion, we remember our pioneer, Florence Nightingale. We owe to her, the birth of the nursing profession- a tradition of caring. Born ahead of her time, Florence defied odds to champion the sick, the weary, and the dying with dignity and compassion. Her life exemplifies true valor, courage and dedication. We included her biography in this issue.
Today, we continue to uphold Florence’s legacy as patient’s advocate. “People care” is difficult in this era of changeable and complex health care delivery system. Yet stronger, bolder and wiser, we carry on the same flame of altruism.
I believe that you are either “cut to be a nurse, or you’re not.” Nursing is truly a noble profession and nurses are remarkable individuals. Intelligent, talented, and competent, these “angels of mercy” posses an almost bottomless supply of patience and endurance. Ever had any of those “worst shift worked” in your nursing career? When everything goes wrong and nothing works? (I certainly have my fair share!!!) What cam make days like this better? Do you think a little consideration and support with genuine appreciation from our higher ups, peers and colleagues, help?
So let us applaud all the nurses in the world, in all nursing fields, not only in May , but everyday. For the joys and sorrows we have shared with our patients, the hurts that we have eased, the many lives we have helped saved, and just for the “giving of ourselves to others.
Let us honor and acknowledge our true worth for all our distinguished contribution in service to humanity. Keep your lamps burning, mighty strong.
Vicky Herrera RN |