by Emilie Turalba RN |
T a n g l a w |
Name: Helen Austin
Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
School: Chinese General Hospital
Current Employment/Position: The Rehabilitation Institute/ Clinical Director
Status: Married to James Austin
I am: Hardworking, professional, dedicated, kind, thoughtful, trustworthy,
flexible ,friendly, lacks a sense of humor but likes to laugh at other
people’s jokes
Dislikes: A messy room, scrubbing shower room tiles, people who think they
are better than the rest and those who treat nurses with disrespect
If I didn’t become a nurse: I would have been a teacher or an Interior
Decorator. I also wished I had gone to medical school.
My best Accomplishment: Having a couple of gifted and beautiful kids: Jamie
Helene is 11 years old and John is 4 years old and also being able to
joggle between family and job responsibilities
I joined PNAGKC because: I believe in its philosophy and mission and to have
a sense of belonging and identity among nurses from my native land
Thoughts about nursing: Is one of the most noble profession. I think all
nurses should go to heaven!
Name: Celeste Ongjoco-Gomez
Birthplace: Kansas City, Missouri
School: Rockhurst College, KCMO
Current Employment/Position: Baptist Medical Center/ Case Manager
Status: Single
I am: Funny, sarcastic, OB-C, anxious and hardworking
Dislikes: People that lie and are manipulative, and people who try to use
the express lane in the grocery store when their items are above the limit
If I didn’t become a nurse: I would probably be unemployed. Seriously, I
would like to be a gourmet chef...might still do that in the future
My best Accomplishment: Getting my BSN, having two kids and raising them
by myself and being the Philippine Commissioner in the Mayors Ethnic
Enrichment Commission.
I joined PNAGKC because : I share an office with the past president, Irma
Labre and the pressure became unbearable (just joking) Actually I have met
several nurses who spoke about this organization and was very impressed
with its impact
in the Kansas City community
Thoughts about nursing: It is a profession that offers so many
opportunities for self advancement and education. I easily get bored and
nursing allows me to look into other specialties and still be interested in
the field.