T a n g l a w |
President's Message
by Sonia Tumanut
As early as October, weeks before the Haloween mania, retail stores are already decorated with shimmering Christmas trees. The Holiday season is knocking on our doors! What comes to our mind when we see this? Abundant parties, glorious food,lavish gifts, ice and snow, greetings cards, caroling, and endless shopping? The notions are exciting for many, especially for the children, but depressing for the lonely and less fortunate. Assisting the poor, homeless and the needy, is not only an important function of the PNAGKC but it has become a part of our caring tradition, This upcoming holiday season, the commuity service committee will contact several goodwill agencies. As in the past, we will donate non-perishable food items, clothing, blankets and toys! What a wonderful way for our organization to say “happy holidays” to the cold and hungry.
In addition, the holiday season is the time to reflect on the personal growth of the association. As a group of professional nurses, our own holiday spirit should extend far and beyond the usual expectation of a mere celebration. A friend from Virginia once wrote me, “Thank goodness for Christmas, I have an excuse to get in touch with you.” She was right! With a career and a family to juggle, it seems hard to find the time to call or write someone. However, as members of PNAGKC, we posses the ability to assemble and accomplish goals throughout the year. We often see each other, socially and professionally. And as distinct individuals with different personal preferences, it is impossible to get along with all people. Miscommunications happen and disagreements arise thus sometimes leading to ill feelings. But for the priceless cost of friendship and the stamina of the organization , civility rules. This is an excellent time to renew our fellowship.
This season is also the time to asses our commitment to PNAGKC. Have you participated , in one way or another in the activities of the association? Have you made the effort to attend the meetings? Have you joined in the celebration of its anniversary?Have you volunteered your time for a worthwhile project? Have you renewed your membership? The simple act of renewing your membership, signals your faith and commitment to our association. Only through your support can we continue to uphold what PNAGKC stands for.
Finally, our Christmas celebration is just around the corner. Bring your family along ! Plan to join us in the fun of this festivity. I really hope to see you there!
Have a Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
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