Tanglaw |
President's Message By Sonia Tumanut, R.N. |
Summer is almost over and the PNA has accomplished a lot of its commitments and objectives. I am overwhelmed by the support and volunteerism shown by many nurses, old and new. I would take everybody out for dinner if only I had the money!
On July 9, 1997, I left for Virginia Beach with five other very enthusiastic nurses: Irma, Emilie, Marilyn, and first time convention delegates Emma and Mary, to represent the Kansas City Chapter to the 18th PNA of America Convention. As chapter president, I was eager and proud to report on the accomplishments of our chapter. As a determined group, we were confident and ready to participate in the talent show. Though packed with five days worth of wardrobe, our luggage also included an assortment of accessories including a hammer, a pair of pliers, a construction helmet and other tools needed for the presentation. The convention consisted of two full days worth of executive meetings I had to attend while my "colleagues" spent a half day's worth then went sightseeing and shopping (our own preconvention agreement). This gave us a chance to gain insight of the activities and problems of other chapters and the mother organization. A few other chapters have established ties concerning health matters with their respective local government offices. Several states with large memberships have established scholarship grants for Filipino nursing students. Come fall of this year the western division of PNAA will spearhead a two-day leadership seminar this fall. After hearing all these I could very well conclude that the PNAGKC, being a young organization, has evolved into a cohesive organization with numerous accomplishments under its belt, including the first PNA chapter to publish a website on the information super highway.
The next PNAA convention is slated for June 1998 in San Diego, Calif. As expensive as it gets, there will only be one national convention every year instead of two. A total of $600 will be allotted for next year's convention pending budget approval. Any member of the PNA may attend the convention and be part of the delegation. Consider it as a short vacation and an educational trip. I would like to thank my y colleagues who went with me and my family for letting me go and spend so much money.
Speaking of support from PNA members, we have $18,700.00 of received pledges for the Filipino Cultural Center. Alice Alcazaren, chairman of the PNA committee for this project, attended the meeting of the Foundation on August 9, 1997 in Warrensburg accompanied by Emma, Mary and Cora. Much to the appreciation and amazement of the Foundation is the fact that as a group with lesser financial clout, the PNA is an association to admire. We are very close to our goal of pledging $25,000. If you can donate any amount, it will be appreciated.
July 19, 1997 was the day of the 4th Annual Golf Tournament co-sponsored by the PNA with the Philippine Medical Society as well as the annual PNA picnic that followed. July 26-27, 1997 was the Fiesta Filipiniana days in which the nurses helped in the health booth.
Indeed, we were busy this summer. I thank the members of this organization, who in one way or another contributed to the success and realization of our goals. Let us continue to work together and build a stronger bridge towards the future.
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