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2005 is an exciting year for us! 

For the first time in the history of PNAGKC we will be hosting the PNAA National Convention.  Delegates from the 33 PNAA chapters will be participating in the various events. This is our opportunity to meet the great leaders of the Filipino nurses here in the United States.  Through their leadership, the Philippine Nurses Association of America is now known as one of the major professional organizations,  nationally and internationally. PNAA had established bonds and linkages-- had become a part of the American Nurses Association and member of the National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations.  These nursing leaders had withstood  the changes and  challenges of the past, and  brought the PNAA to where it is now-- in it's highest level of accomplishments.    Please join us and  be a part of PNAA's journey towards a  "preferred future". 

PNAGKC continues to gain its momentum.  Our own leaders had shown perseverance, strength and vigor in the pursuit of PNAGKC's mission.  In these past few years, they have given their time, talent

and resources to the organization selfishly and tirelessly.  However, we need new leaders in our own journey to our future-- leaders who will take the reins of the organization and take it to its  helm.  Let's look around and identify the "would be" leaders of the future.  Let's mentor our young ones and provide the leadership training they need.  There is always an opportunity, they just need to step up to the seat.

PNAGKC had grown, but still has a lot of room for growth.  Our membership is staying the same in the last two years.  We are intensifying our recruitment and retention efforts.   Members are our backbones;  without them, we will not be able to stand. 

I'm looking forward to another productive year for PNAGKC ...
We will  work ….
        We will have fun…. 
        Together,  we can get things done!

Irma F. Labre-Wright

KUDOS from the President:

To the planners, organizers, players, and supporters of our first Bowling Tournament Fundraiser.  It was a success!  We raised  $ 4670.24 (net). Thank you Marilyn Carino, Anita Cooper, Annie Covillo, and Rosemell Romig.  They are the brains and movers behind all this.

To the Christmas Party organizers, Ambet and Emy Yabut, Joy Doolin, Venir and Jun Rivera, Elena Sabido  and Son Martires, for a very memorable event.

To our 2005 PNAA National Convention planners and organizers, headed by Ernie Rosas,  who are working hard in the preparation for this convention.  We are in target with our timeline.

To our volunteers and missioners for sharing their time, talent and energy. 

To our officers, members and friends,  who continue to support the PNAGKC mission and goals.

To the
Tanglaw editor, Vicky Herrera, her staff and all the contributors who share with us their time, talent and creativity in writing.

To our other RNs  (Relative
ng Nurse),  who are always around, standing by--  ready to help and to listen.   

Copyright 1996-2025 Philippine Nurses Association of Greater Kansas City. All rights reserved.