KUDOS from the President:
To the planners, organizers, players, and supporters of our first Bowling Tournament Fundraiser. It was a success! We raised $ 4670.24 (net). Thank you Marilyn Carino, Anita Cooper, Annie Covillo, and Rosemell Romig. They are the brains and movers behind all this.
To the Christmas Party organizers, Ambet and Emy Yabut, Joy Doolin, Venir and Jun Rivera, Elena Sabido and Son Martires, for a very memorable event.
To our 2005 PNAA National Convention planners and organizers, headed by Ernie Rosas, who are working hard in the preparation for this convention. We are in target with our timeline.
To our volunteers and missioners for sharing their time, talent and energy.
To our officers, members and friends, who continue to support the PNAGKC mission and goals.
To the Tanglaw editor, Vicky Herrera, her staff and all the contributors who share with us their time, talent and creativity in writing.
To our other RNs (Relative ng Nurse), who are always around, standing by-- ready to help and to listen.