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(Continued from page 6)

This National  convention rekindled the friendships that had blossomed over the years  and  gave  us  the opportunity to reconnect  and network  with fellow nurses from all over the country. Here we shared  our stories of victories, challenges, hopes and dreams , united with a strong conviction ….. Nurses are wonderful!

As  president elect, attending the leadership training was a great opportunity for me not only  to  meet the past  and present and future leaders and  but also  to  learn the ropes from the  seasoned experts whose hard work, dedication and commitment  have paved the way and  raised PNAA  to this level.

What is  PNAGKC 

PNAGKC is joining and partnering with the President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports of the DHHS and wants to meet The Presidential Challenge. The PCPFS strives to make the health and fitness of all Americans a top national priority.

PNAGKCPOWER is a special group where members of PNAGKC, family and friends can join to help promote the benefits of fitness and meet the President's Challenge. This will enable all of us to log on and monitor our exercise activities and earn awards at the same time.

The President's Challenge is a series of programs designed to help improve anyone's activity level. Joining PNAGKCPOWER is a great way to make staying active easy and will help us all keep motivated- even when we don't really feel like it. There are programs at different activity levels.

To learn more about the President's Challenge, go to:

Signing to our group is simple. You can join or leave at any time. All you have to do is register. It's quick, and there's no cost just to participate!


1) Go to

2) Fill out the registration form.
   * Be sure to include the following info during registration *
Our group name: PNAGKCPOWER
Our Group ID Number: [48600]
Your Member Id/Name: (Use your First Name Initial and last name 06.) Example: erosas06

After registering, start logging your activities. As you log activities you'll be able to track your progress toward winning a President's Challenge Award or Medal. Good luck!

This will help us keep track of all our exercises and activities towards getting fit.

Call Beth Rosas if you have any questions at 816-739-3384.

Copyright 1996-2025 Philippine Nurses Association of Greater Kansas City. All rights reserved.