PNAGKC Meeting July 28, 2004
Location: The Pavilion at North Kansas City Hospital, Burlington Room. 2800 Clay Edwards Dr. N. KC, MO 64116. Time Started: 8:15 pm Time Adjourned: 9:40 pm Attendance: Anita Cooper, Marilyn Cariņo, Sonia Tumanut, Jonathan Corpin, Chito Belchez, Beth Rosas, Ernie Rosas, Vicky Herrera, Alice Alcazaren, Tess Laoruangroch, Emilie Turalba, Elvie Leone, Riz Pecaņa, Arvin Figueroa, Marilyn Moyo, Annie Covillo, Mayie Vilkins, Amie Valera, Deborah Hayes, Joy Doolin, Irma Labre.
Minutes from June 14, 2004 approved and seconded with corrections by Sonia Tumanut: KCPT pledge drive with 18 volunteers on June 12, 2004, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM raised $4,065.00.
President's report: Irma Labre
The new PNAA president is Mila Vilasquez, of Los Angeles, CA and president elect, May Mayor, of New York. There are 33 PNAA chapters as of July 2004. The five new chapters are: Oregon/Washington, Central Florida, Connecticut, Maryland, Pennsylvania/New Jersey. Hot topics discussed: 1) National PNAA Directory 2) PNAA National Membership 3) New NCLEX testing sites outside of US territory (announced by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing). Seoul, South Korea; London, England; Hong Kong, China. PNAA maintained membership with the National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurses Association, Inc. PNAA Perpetual Plaque - initiated by Zeny Lipat--list of PNAChapters who has hosted the PNAA National convention. PNAGKC members who were elected and appointed to PNAA positions 2004--2006: Riz Pecaņa - Board member, regional liaison officer for North Central Region; Ernie Rosas - auditor. PNAGKC members who received the PNAA Awards for National Excellence: Tess Laoruangroch - National Clinical Nurse Award; Arvin Figueroa - National Community Service Award. Delegates to Hawaii for 25th PNAA Convention: Arvin Figueroa, Irma Labre, Riz Pecaņa, Beth Rosas, Ernie Rosas, Del Iloreta, Amie Valera, Debra Hayes.
II. Treasurer's Report Arvin Figueroa presented the financial report. Ending balance as of June, 2004 is $12,258.05. The new administration will continue with current approved budget. III. Committee Reports 1. Membership - No report. As of this month, 62 are paid members. 2. Ways and Means - Marilyn Carino, the chairman, is asking suggestions for fundraising activities. Annie Covillo suggested - bowling tournament. The committee will look into this. 3. Education and Research - Irma reported.on the Continuing Education program being planned on October 16 at Baptist Medical Center. Topic: Nursing Updates 2004 - Focus on the Caregiver. The committee will also work on three topics of research - (not yet concrete), and also work on the Filipino translation of a "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome". 4. Human Rights - No report. The PNAA needs a formal written report for concrete evidence of problems going on. 5. Community Service - Sonia Tumanut reported the upcoming activities a. Thanks to members who brought donations for the Samilin Family: Anita Cooper, Marilyn Cariņo, Sonia Tu manut, Amie Valera. 6. Publication - Vicky Herrera reported that Tanglaw at the final stage--working on a better quality printing. 7. Scholarship - Have not received current response from the candidate. 6. By Laws, Policy and Procedures - Tess Loruangroch is working on this-- will incorporate any changes and suggestions then will meet for approval (includes the Human Rights, Nomination, and Election committees). 7. Social and Hospitality - Chito Belchez reported on the new Filipino nurse coming to KC at KUMC, Agrifina (a Cebu native), will arrive August 6, sponsored by Global Scholarship Alliance. KU is asking for our assistance to house her for the first two weeks, provide transportation, and orient her with the city. IV. 2005 National Convention Preparation Ernie Rosas reported on the preliminary preparations. PNAA added one more day to the original dates, now to include July 13 for a leadership training . Committees had been formed already. Next meeting is August 29, 2004, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Hyatt. V. New business Senior Council of FAGKC requests our support for the fundraising via a 2005 Calendar. Tabled for next meeting.
Next Meeting: September 1, 2004. Burlington Room, NKCH at 7:00 PM. Joy Doolin PNAGKC Secretary