PNAGKC Meeting Minutes January 14, 2004
Laoruangroch Residence Time Started: 8:00 pm Time Adjourned: 10:10 pm Attendance: Tess Laoruangroch, Amie Valera, Arvin Figueroa, Elvie Leone, Alice Alcazaren, Emilie Turalba, Marilyn Moyo, Irma Labre, Ernie Rosas, Beth Rosas, Elena Sabido, Cora Zamora I . Minutes from the December 7, 2003 meeting approved and seconded with the following correction: January 7, 2003 to January 14, 2004. II Annual report: 1. Flyers was designed by Rizvend, which will be used to promote pnagkc 2. Was able to recruit a member dusing the educational seminar. Thanks to Beth and Chito for teaching CPR at the health fair. 3. Develop more PNAGKC Speakers: Tess Laoruangroch, Riz Pecana and Venus Buckner are three of pnagkc's own speakers. 4. Continue to participate with medical missions. Donations have been given to the tornado victims, care package for the soldiers through the American Red Cross, adopted a new nurse and continue help care for Erika. 5. New membership flyers for members and recruitment of new members. 6. Website - Bong will be setting up the new website and it will be up and running soon, it will be announced through the yahoo groups. 7. Human Rights violations - new nurses with new jobs. 8. Tess Contacted members for comments and everyone that she talked to were very supportive of the asso ciation. Comments: need more info regarding the National Organization, e-mail is very informative. 9. Members still need to continue to keeping records of the number of hours, dates and place for the 501C-3 status. III Reports: 1. Education - January 20-22, 2004, 4th International Convention in the Philippines. Shangrila Plaza Hotel. April 23-24, 2004, North Central Regional Conference at Indianapolis, Westin Hotel Hawaii - July 8-11 PNAA National Convention at Hotel Sheraton Waikiki New York - September 23-24, 2004, Eastern Regional Conference, Hilton Hotel 2. Social - Dinner/dance will be at Harrah's Hotel and Casino, March 27, 2004. Music by Midnite Revue. Souvenir program: Irma, Sonia, Beth, Alice, Joy and Venir. Chinese Auction: Emilie, Joy, Elena. 3. Election - Nomination forms have already been mailed out. 4. By-laws - Amendments: Article III, Section 3. Representation/Privileges B. Associate Members shall have all the rights and privileges of active members except that of holding elected office and chairing a committee. Article IV, Section 1. The officers of the association are: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Relations Officer and Board Members. Section 3. Terms of office C. The term of office starts July 1 Section 5. Duties and Powers A. President 6. Prepares and proposes the annual budget for approval to the executive board. G. Board Member 3. Reviews and recommends amendments to the policy and procedures. 4. Serves as members of the nomination and election committee. Article V, Section 1. The governing body of the Association is the Executive board, which consists of six (six) officers and eight (8) elected board members. The Executive Board has power and authority over the affairs of the Association. Article VIII, Section 3. Elections A. Election and board members will be held biennially in February. Next meeting: March 3, 2004 Midwest Transplant Network, 7:30 pm Marilyn Moyo PNAGKC, Secretary