The countdown is on…six and a half more weeks…
First it was a dream, soon it will be a reality. The 26th PNAA Annual Convention is the talk of the town and will be here soon. Will this be the first and the last? I wish not … I hope this is just the beginning.
I want to give special thanks to Ernie Rosas, chairman of the convention planning committee, and the various committee chairs and members who work with him. I sincerely appreciate everyone's hard work and perseverance in keeping up with their assigned tasks and responsibilities. Getting things coordinated and accomplished is an enormous effort. We had faced the initial challenges during the early phase of planning. More challenges are yet to come!
This caught my eye-- pasted at the door of one of the rooms at work: T--ogether E--veryone A--accomplishes M--ore
How very true! To be able to make this dream come true and be successful, everyone needs to work as a team. In this next few weeks, all the committees will be working in high gear. We have these planning committees: Chairs and co-chairs: Reception & Welcome night-- Sonia Tumanut & Michelle Pacis Education-- Phoebe Williams & Ruth Knutter