Fall--the season of taxes and shopping! As the Holiday season approaches, we think of thanking, sharing and giving, celebrating with our friends, families and loved ones. We also spend some time reflecting on what we have done this year and what we would like to do next year. Time is always an essence-- we oftentimes find ourselves never having enough of it, and unable do what we want or intend to do. Like now, the year is almost ended. Before we know it, 2005 is here!
PNAGKC has accomplished a lot this year, and we are looking forward to next year's events. We will be hosting the 26th Annual PNAA National Convention in summer. We would like to showcase Kansas City to all of PNAA's 34 chapter members, and at the same time offer this opportunity to our members who have not been to PNAA's national convention before. The Planning Committee is now working at full speed in preparation for this event. I'm inviting all our members to join us in this endeavor - we need volunteers to help in various committees : hospitality, education and social. We have five days of activities to plan and we want to welcome our guests to Kansas City. We are expecting about 400 delegates and we want to give them a memorable experience--the best of Kansas City! The different committee chairs will be calling you soon and ask for your support.
PNAGKC has given plenty in the community, in terms of manpower and financial support, this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who had contributed, in some ways, to our cause. We had shared our time, expertise, talent, and money to those who are counting on our help. With more manpower, we can do more. A group is a strength, and strength is power.
PNAGKC would like to increase our membership next year. We need new leaders who will continue the vision of our organization. I encourage our active members to extend themselves to "buddy" and mentor our future members and