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of vaccine in your area. More doses of vaccine will be going out in the next 6-7 weeks so there will be more opportunity for those who need the vaccine to get it in time for this year's influenza season," said CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding. The flu season generally peaks between late December and early March.
Based on CDC information on geographic locations of high priority risk groups and Aventis Pasteur US information on providers, this round of influenza vaccine went to: Department of Veterans Affair Long Term Care Facilities/Acute Care Hospitals State Public Health Officials Vaccine for Children Program Private Providers Who Care for Young Children More than 2 million doses of the influenza vaccine were shipped the past weeks by Aventis Pasteur to health care providers throughout the country who serve the high priority groups recommended by the CDC. The following groups have been identified as priority for vaccinations: Adults 65 years and older
Persons with underlying chronic medical conditions Pregnant women during the influenza season Resident of nursing homes and long term health care facilities Health care workers with direct patient care Out of home caregivers and household contacts of infants less than 6 months old Children aged 6 to 23 months (Check with pediatrician or local health department) Children 6 months to 18 years of age with chronic aspirin therapy
The flu shots clinics started October 4 and since then, the American Red Cross Greater Kansas City chapter has vaccinated over 10,000 Kansas Citians, over half of the 18,000 vaccinations the chapter has originally planned to provide. Considering this year's influenza vaccine shortage and implementation by CDC to give vaccine to priority groups, the American Red Cross offers common sense ways to live healthfully this flu season even without the benefit of the flu vaccine.
Get enough sleep and rest ( 7 hours for adults and more for children and teens)
Manage stress, exercise regularly and don't smoke Eat healthfully, don't skip breakfast. Keep your immune system strong by eating foods rich in Vitamin A,C and E ; milk, eggs and fish oil; citrus fruits, melons and red peppers; nuts spinach, peanut butter and corn oil. Wash your hands frequently. Use soap and water and rub vigorously for 30 seconds Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose If you don't have a tissue or handkerchief, and when it is not possible to wash your hands right away, sneeze into your sleeves, not in your hands. Carry hand sanitizers when soap and water are not handy. Drink lots of water. Eight glasses of fluid a day is essential to health Do not refill bottles of water. Bottles can accumulate germs . Elderly and those poor in health should avoid crowds and people with cough and colds
And if you get the flu, please stay home from work or school, rest and recover, so you don't infect others! Your co-workers does not want your germs and neither do I. Source: CDC and American Red Cross. by MVPH