PNAGKC Meeting November 3, 2004
Location: The Pavilion at North Kansas City Hospital, Barry Room. 2800 Clay Edwards Dr. N. KC, MO 64116. Time Started: 7:00 pm Time Adjourned: 9:00 pm Attendance: Sonia Tumanut, Alice Alcazaren, Beth and Ernie Rosas, Norma Sanchez, Michelle Paces, Marilyn Carino, Yollie Endaya, Emilie Turalba, Arvin Figueroa, Marilyn Moyo, Elvie Leone, Tess Laoruangroch, Becky Umali, Irma Labre, Joy Doolin
President's report--PNAA Update: Irma Labre
PNAA is an active member of NCEMNA- National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Association. For more
information, PNAGKC website has a link to NCEMNA's website.
Irma received the NCEMNA Research Interest Survey from Mila Velasquez - a survey questionaire to create a database of Ethnic Minority Nurse Researcher. She had forwarded it to Cory and Phoebe. PNAA is working on Tobacco Free Nurse Initiative Project - the PNAA Reseach Committee will conduct a survey which will provide database, and be able to design public education programs on smoking prevention and cessation targeted to Filipino communities throughout the country. PNAA membership dues are due by Janurary 1st. A $50 late fee will be assessed if not received by February 1st.
II. Budget Proposal for 2005 presented by Irma III. Treasurer's Report - by Arvin Figueroa Balance as of October 31, $10,853.84 IV. Committee Reports Membership - by Irma Labre for Helen Austria 1. New Membership Application distributed 2. Five paid members for 2005, current paid members 60 for 2004 3. New member Marijen Aga 4. One new associate member Rochelle Simmons 5. Member ID card discussed 6. New member welcome packet discussed Ways and Means-- by Marilyn Carino
November 13, 2004 Bowling Tournament at Lunar Bowl, needs to get 80 players, Royal Blue T shirt
selected 2. Avon Fund Raiser with the bowling tournament Education and Research--by Joy Doolin Continuing Education Program held last October 16, 2004 at Curry Auditorium, Baptist-Lutheran Medical Center, 26 attendees Human Rights: Emilie Turalba--Nothing to Report By Laws/Policy and Procedures: Tess Laoruangroch P&P has been e-mailed to Irma ; members need to review P&P Community Service: by Sonia Tumanut 1. 338 community hours from June to October 04 2. Medical Missions: MMF November 2004; PMS/PNAGKC January 2005 Publication: Vickie needs Tanglaw articles Scholarship: Elvie Leone 1. $250 to scholar to Madelyn Bonifacio 2. Discussion on Local nursing scholarship tabled for next meeting Social: Joy Doolin for Emy Yabut
Christmas Party-- December 4 at the Filipino Cultural Center; flyers distributed-- other members will be noti fied through e mail and mail.
Website: PNAGKC website has new look. Everyone is encouraged to visit.
Next Meeting: January 5 , 2005. Burlington Room, NKCH at 7:00 PM. Joy Doolin, RN PNAGKC Secretary