WHAT IS IT? It is the tax exempt status of an organization as determined by the IRS. The PNAGKC has tax-exempt status because we have documented activities of charitable services and education provided to the public. In addition, we are "publicly supported" through membership and fund raising, and none of the net profit goes to benefit any of the members. As a 501 (C ) (3) organization, we are no longer a professional group but a public charity entity.
BENEFITS TO PNAGKC Not required to file tax return, if each year our gross receipts are $25,000 or less Will increase donation incentives PNAGKC may apply for public grant or fund
BENEFITS TO MEMBERS Membership fess is fully deductible under charitable contribution Value of contributions such as cash and gifts (used or new) are deductible minus any benefits you received. May deduct any expenses not reimbursed when you attend conventions as PNAGKC delegate. May deduct mileage expenses when you travel to do volunteer work (volunteered time not deductible) Contributions to fundraising events, including fundraising education is deductible minus benefits.
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES WHEN CLAIMING CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTION: Any contribution of $250 or more needs a timely written statement from PNAGKC to claim deduction. Must obtain written statement from PNAGKC describing the services, and any goods or services provided in return of donation. Must declare the Fair Market Value
of donated goods. As a donor, it is your responsibiity to obtain the substantiation requirement. PNAGKC or any charitable organization is not required to reocr dor report this information to the IRS on behalf of the donor.
PNAGKC'S RESPONSIBILITIES: PNAGKC has been given "advance ruling from 8/10/02--12/31/06" and up to 90 days after the end of advance ruling, as a publicly supported organization, not a private foundation, under the 501 (c ) (3) rules. At the end of the period, PNAGKC IS REQUIRED to submit all documents to support its tax-exempt status. Keep accurate records of all services provided, volunteer hours and finances. Must continue to provide charitable services, education and research to benefit the public. All records must be available to the public for inspection. The letter of determination from the IRS and PNAGKC's application forms for tax-exempt status must be made public, through a webside per IRS recommendation. Penalty to comply is $20 per day to amximum of $10,000. During the advance ruling period, PNAGKC must meet the requirements of "support test" to determine whether it will remain a public charity or a private foundation. Notify the IRS for any changes in the address, objectives, goals, activities, sources of funds, expenses and by laws. Must provide written disclosure statement of $75 or more, in which the donor received services or goods in return. Penalty to comply is $10 per donor or maximum of $5,000 per fundraising event.
Must provide good faith estimate of the value of the goods or services provided in return to the donation, except in the following cases; good or services is insubstantial the fair market value of benefits not to exceed 2% of payment or $76. Payment is at least 38% of the only good provided, and the good bears the logo of PNAGKC--I.e. mug, calendar, etc. the cost of which is within the limits of "low cost articles", this year is $8. *this means that if PNAGKC is selling a mug which actually cost $8 for $38 for fundraising, the buyer can deduct the fu;; $38. Must keep a list of donors and their contributions Must provide separate statement for each contribution of $250 or more, not add up independent contribution All "quid pro contribution" related to a fundraising may use the solicitation letter as receipt for contribution. "Quid pro contribution" means that a donor receives goods or services in exchange of his contribution. *I am not a tax advisor, It is your responsibility to file accurate tax return. Check with your tax preparer the deductibility oof your contributions.
PNAGKC's MAJOR GOAL: This non profit association shall uphold the image of Filipino nurses in the United States by providing charitable services, education and research.
OBJECTIVES: Provide nursing expertise, man power and resources without compensation to various non-profit
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